GLO Training / Speaking

Titles and Topics
Is Your Parenting Style Effective?
Have you ever stopped to think about your parenting style? Are you getting the desired outcomes? New research suggests that parenting style determines adolescent behavior. Register for this fun, non-judgmental, interactive session as we explore parenting styles, their result, and techniques to enhance your skills.
Motivating Your Children
Join us to learn techniques and strategies to encourage children to reach their highest potential. Wake up that inner drive that causes them to take action to enhance their own lives.
Managing Oppositional Defiant Behavior – Help!
Managing your child’s behavior can sometimes become challenging in any family. Relationships are best when parents/caregivers and children have the skills to understand, relate, and respectfully communicate. This training will provide an opportunity to rethink behaviors in a new way. Participants will learn to identify causes of misbehaving or actions – word choice, discuss real situations, and apply strategies and techniques for improved behavior through meaningful response.
Positive Parenting Strategies & Techniques – Skills for Today
Parenting children is an essential job with significant growth and developmental stages. Along this exciting journey, we will identify parenting styles, practical communication skills, and various successful parenting models. Get on board!
Raising Boys to Be Men
This training will explore young boys’ and mens’ psychological, social, and emotional composition. We will consider options and resources to encourage and lead boys to successful academic outcomes.
Action for Children: Positive Parenting Workshops
Putting the Children First
Parents Who Parent Separately
* Contact Action for Children directly.
Central Community House: Parent Support Series
* Register at the Central Community House website.
It’s a Family Team – Valuing Each Other
There are many viewpoints of what it takes for families to get along. Some are peaceful and loving while others are challenged to live in the same house without conflict and stress. Many life situations can challenge a family and sometimes learning how to manage family dynamics is a basic essential. GLO Training will provide techniques and strategies to help work through tough times, and harmony and become a stronger family.
Let’s Just All Get Along in Our Home – Conflict Resolution
Participants will gain another perspective of “family” and the responsibility of this membership. Techniques to manage family disagreement, frustrations, and joyful opportunities will be explored. Join us to obtain strategies to work through tough times, gain harmony and become a stronger, loving family.
Academic Achievement: Begins in Your Home
This series will offer recommendations for creating a home environment that promotes and guides students to reach their highest academic potential.
Academic Achievement: School Readiness for Early Childhood
School Readiness is a primary predictor of your child’s achievement in adult life. As the parent, you are your child’s first and most important teacher and advocate in helping prepare your child for school and life. This session will help parents understand their role, and will provide strategies to support factors that contribute to school readiness in young children.
Your Role as an Education Advocate for Your Child
Studies indicate that the majority of high achieving students are in homes that demonstrate their value for education; parents are advocates and are involved in the educational process. We will discuss common behavioral indicators that support and impact a successful academic outcome. Participants will increase their ability to recognize and respond to potential educational challenges and identify support resources. Advocating recommendations and strategies that promote and guide students to reach their highest potential will be explored.
Family Values Influence Academic Achievement
This interactive course will lead families to develop their vision for academic excellence. It will offer recommendations for guiding children to reach their highest academic potential. Common family values and behavioral indicators will be identified that support and influence education. Strategies will be offered for establishing a foundation of wisdom, knowledge, and vision for a successful academic future.
How Staff Can Support Parents to Generate Learning Opportunities
Studies indicate that the majority of high achieving students are from homes that demonstrate their value for education. We will discuss common family values and behavioral indicators that support and influence successful academic achievement. We will explore recommendations and strategies for assisting families in creating a home environment that promotes and guides students to reach their highest potential.
~ The above training can be customized for any grade level.
Frazzled to Fabulous
Do you sometimes have a feeling of being a bit brain-fried, confused, overwhelmed, worn out, not functioning correctly, or just exhausted? This much overdue workshop will stop participants in their tracks to review their daily life roles and look in the mirror to see what causes the frazzled feelings. Join us to refocus and become empowered with a fabulous action plan to add hope and balance to your life.
Let a Vision Board Be Your Guide
This interactive vision board session will lead you on a fun, hands-on, visual, and creative exploration of personal and professional goals. We discover well-defined, measurable action steps with unlimited possibilities. Participants will identify images to ignite their visions and become more focused toward achieving their purpose.
Upon request, additional GLO training topics are available or can be designed to meet your needs.
Generating Learning Opportunities
Training / Speaking Series
Generating Learning Opportunity readers engage in interactive discussions designed to guide them through practical and relevant tips toward building stronger foundations. Each GLO book engagement is individually designed to meet your needs. We will propel one to a place that resonates deeply within to take action that will result in phenomenal life outcomes.
- Family Values
- Teaching Family Values
- Family Values Lead to Academic Achievement
- Values Taught by the Tribe
- Academic Achievement Begins in the Home
- Duplicating the Next Generation
- Love
- Open Communication
- High Expectations
- Parent Involvement
- Daily Homework
- What Families Say
- What Parents Say
- What Students Say
- Parent-Student Summary
Final Review
Readers can chat before or after a book signing. We will engage in a short informative, discussion on a family values or academic achievement topics. Look for or plan a GLO book signing near you soon.
Readers will discuss a particular GLO topic or interest. These individual or small group settings will allow one to engage in specific topics from the book. Guidance will be shared, group opinions offered and resources provided.
Generating Learning Opportunities readers, do you want more time to chat? These powerful settings will allow you to engage in topics from the book, expert advice will be shared, and resources provided. Powerful foundational adjustments can promote individual growth and personal fulfillment. We explore practical tips, strategies, and build or enforce strong foundations that contribute to phenomenal life outcomes.