In this 2020 New Year find time to reflect on how you demonstrate appreciation for the important people in your life. I encourage each of my readers to reflect on the things and people who mean the most. These individuals could be in your family, friends, people in your circle, village or tribe. A definition of gratitude, “In positive, states psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. this helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
GENERATING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES by considering these ways to show gratitude.
- Smile and give someone an unexpected hug
- Write a note of gratitude to someone and place it in a location for them to find.
- Before dinner have each individual say something nice to the person on their left
- Text a positive emoji.
- Forgive someone.
- Send a care package to an elderly person
- Cook or order more than enough and share a meal with someone
- Tell each person in the family that you love them.
- Make showing gratitude a common, everyday way of life because it makes life good for others
Each individual will feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. Sometimes things happen in life that requires additional gratitude and acts of love. Our dear friend who was my husband’s bestie since toddler years and my bonus brother from college recently passed away. He lived life to the fullest and enjoyed each moment! His deep laughter often lite up the room and was a fun-loving guy. We watched him lived graciously and courageously spending invaluable, quality time with loved ones until the very end. Cancer takes those we love far too early but cannot cripple love, shatter hope, or destroy real relationships. Thank you for the support of our many loving and supportive family, friends, mentees, students, clients, community, and village who demonstrated gratitude.
Gratitude to Kobe, who was my hero of family and community. His sudden loss hurts us deeply and broke our hearts. His daughter, Gianna was such an example for young girls. This father-daughter duo will be deeply missed.
In Loving Memory
Henry Wilkins, Sr.
Kobe and Gianna Bryant

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